Kind regards
This blog has been set up to provide links to various articles, forums and medical journals covering the subject of cervical screening, the risk of cervical cancer, the pros and cons of screening, women's experiences of screening, ethics and informed consent, and the financial incentives healthcare professionals may receive for promoting screening. Whatever your opinions and experiences re: screening I hope you will find this information interesting and thought-provoking.
Information is split as follows:
- Rates of cancer, cervical cancer and other major illnesses
- Wilson and Jugner screening criteria
- Informed Consent and Ethics
- Smear testing - pros, cons and effectiveness
- Women's perceptions and experiences of screening
- Incentives for healthcare professionals to promote screening
- Frequency of screening
- Official recommendations and screening information
- Discussion forums and anecdotes
- Newspaper articles
- Screening as a prerequisite for hormonal contraception
- Screening after hysterectomy
- Pelvic examinations in asymptomatic women
- Amendments to screening procedures and policies
- Developments in screening technology and techniques
- HPV / HPV vaccine
- Mammogram screening
- Prostate cancer screening
- Academic references
- Miscellaneous articles
I make no claims about the accuracy of data contained in these links, and if you have specific health concerns you should discuss them with your doctor rather than with random people on the internet. :-)